Cibubur Residence

Cibubur Residence located on the Strategic Cibubur Area, Jalan Alternatif Cibubur Transyogi to be exact. Its located near Cibubur Gate Toll and also can be reach from Cimanggis Gate Toll. In the near future there will be access to Cimanggis-Cibitung Toll.

Cibubur Residence Map Location

CiRes Main Gate

Cibubur Residence constructed started on 2008 with an area around ± 15 acres. Contain 6 clusters, Rosewood, Brasswood, Eagle Wood, Maplewood, Pinewood and Cottonwood.

With Cibubur Residence Sport Centre to accomodate residents sport activities.

CiRes Sport Centre
Cires Sport Centre